Wednesday, 3 September 2008

What causes people to lack energy?

When someone asks me to tell them about glutathione, the first thing I say is that glutathione gives you more energy. The real function of glutathione is to maximize the function of every cell in every organ of the body.

In simple terms, the mitochondria is the energy-producing membrane of the cell. Free radicals can pair up with electrons in the membrane of the cell and damage that membrane. They can also pair up with the DNA of a cell and damage that too. As time passes, the amount of ATP produced in the "respiratory chain" is reduced and the cell doesn't get the clean out (or tune-up) that it needs. Acids build up in the cells reducing energy production. This is cumulative. External toxins lower energy levels still further.

Combined, these factors lower the energy quotient of each cell in our body whether it be cells in your feet or cells on the top of your head. Just as a car's performance falls off with age so does the performance of the cells of our body. To get your car engine operating at maximum performance, engine tune-ups are needed. Cellular tune-up is achieved by glutathione.

There is nothing that can compare with the ability of glutathione to maintain cellular health.

Glutathione optimizes the function of every cell in our body.

Coming next...
How can glutathione increase energy levels during the day whilst giving you a deeper and more restorative sleep at night.

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